Winter is upon us and it is time to get in shape for the upcoming season! We have designed a 6-week long 3 days/week strength and conditioning program specifically to get you ready for your winter skiing/snowboarding objectives. Go into the season with a solid foundation of strength and aerobic capacity. The goal is to build a stronger version of you, so that when you go out in pursuit of what you love to do during this upcoming winter season, you’re going to be starting off in peak condition, and at your highest point of fitness. We want to prepare you for the outside. In the end, the mountains don’t care how tired you are, how much your lungs hurt, or how much your legs burn. The stronger you are, the faster you are, the fitter you are, the better you're going to be at your sport, and the less likely you are to get hurt, and the more fun you’re going to have!